Breed to Proven Champion Producers!
We have moved to Oklahoma. We are still the home of the Dually line, with next generation Dually sons making champions. Dually Honored is our next generation Dually son whose offspring are taking judges choice and color champion honors in the east and midwest. Dually Honored's banner winning full brother DEFCON5 is now in IL and producing stunning results for his new owners.
We have added Commander, a proven Snowmass Star Quest son, and we bred many of our Dually daughters to him this past summer and fall so are awaiting his offspring. That Commander's maternal grandsire was our very own 6P Accoyo Godfather is icing on the cake.
We are reworking a cattle farm and busy retrofitting the interior of the girls barn and setting up a male headquarters in the open span barn, and in spring will be reworking fencing on pastures that are currently, well, barbed wire -- it is cattle country, after all -- and that has to go. We still welcome visits and will be happy to show people what we are planning.
We are slowly updating our sales list. Several of our best females ARE FOR SALE this year!
Welcome to Hidden Hill Farm
Two Futurity Champion Studs!
No hype, no drama -- Hidden Hill Farm Alpacas is just a true reference herd of top quality alpaca breeding stock, properly cared for on a real farm. That has been my goal since I started out in 1997, and I have never wavered in my resolve to have a highly selected herd of purely top quality seed stock alpacas. I can list off our 'champion bloodlines,' our amazing and mostly home-bred and born dam lines that knock the cover off the ball consistently and our home-grown champion alpacas, but I won't do it. Visitors can watch our animals grazing in the fields and I think they can see the quality -- I let the animals do the selling here! Oh, but if you ask me about an animal, I will tell you its pedigree, probably show you the dam and sire and maybe even a granddam or two! We welcome prospective new breeders as well as experienced breeders that are looking for that particular animal that they feel they need to take their program that extra mile. Packages? Sure, we will do them, but we much prefer that people select animals as the individual herd members that they really are. Ask us anything -- we believe in hands on evaluations of animals here. We do the same when we are adding breeding stock, which is something we are always doing to further herd improvement, and we want our buyers to be as satisfied as humanly possible when they select an animal at Hidden Hill Farm Alpacas. Do you want to learn more about fiber? Ask to visit our yurt and we'll take you through any number of our fleeces so that you can see what we do to evaluate and grade a fleece.
I firmly believe that only you, the breeder or prospective breeder, ultimately can know precisely what it is you want to see when you look out your windows and gaze at your pastures. More importantly, there is only one time when you can select for more than one variable in the breeding business, and that is when you are selecting breeding stock! It is really important, then, to know what you want, isn't it? Visit as many farms as you possibly can, as you will learn something new at every farm you can manage to fit into your busy schedule.
The majority of our foundation animals are now really, truly Hidden Hill produced animals. We buy very selectively for additional lines. It's old school, but our elite white program is proof that you don't have to follow the herds to what looks like the only solution. Oh, and we have been slowly adding color here. We are very excited about our black and modern gray breeding program, and we have a very seasoned partner in that venture.